We believe in:
- The verbal inspiration and authority of the Old and New Testament in its original writings.
- The eternal Trinity of the Godhead.
- The eternal deity and spotless humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.
- The total depravity of man by nature. Salvation by grace, though faith in the crucified and risen Christ.
- The eternal security of the saved.
- The essential unity of all believers of this present age as members of the one true church, the Body of Christ.
- The privilege and duty of all the saved to walk as children of the light.
- The communion of the Lord’s supper as revealed through the apostle Paul for members of the Body of Christ “til He comes.”
- The resurrection of the body.
- The personal return and millennial reign of Christ on earth.
- The eternal punishment of the unsaved dead.
The worldwide preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ