Here at Grace Bible Church we see the worship of God as an important element of life. In fact, worship is encouraged every day in the private life of each believer. Our worship team desires to please our Lord in all the elements of the service which include songs, prayer, Scripture reading and light drama, keeping in mind the wide range of preferences and needs of the body. Our worship is “blended”,anchoring our singing with the great hymns of faith and the deeper contemporary songs of recent years that offer a greater understanding of God, His works and our response to Him.
Every service is prayerfully tailored to support each message, and to bring the body to the throne of God. As the body grows, we will look for ways to encourage the ministry of all ages and invite you to come take part in the worship. Our Wednesday night service is a casual time of singing, prayer and study.
Our worship team desires to provide opportunities to the body for service through a variety of channels. Besides singing and instrumentals, there are opportunities for scripture reading’s, dramatic reading’s and drama throughout the year. The end of the year is climaxed with an outdoor live nativity that reaches out to the community,to share with them the Gosple of the Love of Christ.We hope that you will join us as we worship our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!